I'm going to start off by saying that this movie got a really bad rap on Rotten Tomatoes but don't let that stop you from watching it. I personally thought it was good while maybe not as good as the first one it is worthy. If you like martial arts movies especially the kind with immortal characters that can seemingly float on air and do other crazy things I think you'll enjoy this flick. Check it out and let me know what you think... RAM
By RAM c 2016 The Sarlacc Pit
This is a Railfan website but you'll find much more here than just railfan videos. I also make instructional "Do it Yourself' videos and other videos such as music if I happen to come across a good band playing. I will also include nature videos if I find myself in a nice scenic area and sometimes the occasional review of a product among other things.... As I said in the title...It's Not Just Trains. Enjoy - RailFan Rob Mosley